
Pastor Mikuláš Gőcze is the founder of Christian Mission Centre Oasis of Faith.

The origins of existence of CMC Oasis of Faith are included into period before year 1989, to time of communistic totalitarian goverment when there were not religious freedom. In spite of this fact a small group which was led by M. Gőcze, daringly (so far sporadicallly) were meeting, there was first public evangelization on tram stops otherwise direct in vehicles or at different opportunities. This group was created by most members of catholic church who were not satisfied with spiritual life but also with teaching of catholic church, mainly after this that they found glamour and uniqueness of the BIBLE – God’s scripture. This group was regularly meeting, almost every day, where they were praying, teaching from God’s scripture and they were feeling powerful spilling of Holy Spirit with his gifts.

The pastor already has had first unsuccessful trying to accession to theological study in Bratislava because he has had refused cooperation with the socialistic regime – specifically with State’s security which controlled him from 80s. In year 1982 He tried to escape state’s borderlines of Czechoslovak Socialistic Republic because He did not agree with socialistic atheistic regime. He was caught in the course of trying and he had to withstand after-effects. In this time he was not-reborn Christian but he tried to live life of practicing active catholic to which parents very strictly led him. He had to withstand after-effects – deprivation of passport, “kick out” from the grammar school and start to producing process. In this time, he was finding depths of sinful life because of desperation and unfreedom in “flourishing communism.” He found some solace in Catholic church, mainly in “underground part” where he regularly attend despite of sinful way of life where he fell more and more deeply, he did not find a real help in this church.

His break was in years 1986 – 87 when he went to look a congregation of Apostolic church because of one friend from “wet district” invited him. After reading books of David Wilkerson which is about youth gangs in the U.S.A and work of Holy Spirit in lives of this young people and after some visits of Apostolic church, He found, even though he was “good catholic” but also a big sinner(alcohol, drugs, never ending fights, ...)which fell more and more deeply to sinful life, was not salvated and He missed alive Jesus in his life - even though he got extraordinary good honest religious education.

There He received Jesus as his personal lord and savior in one congregation. His life was really changed. He did not start going into this church because of reason that on second day, after day, which he appeared in Apostolic church in Košice, officer of State´s security knocked at door of parent´s flat and he informed parents that preacher of Apostolic church reviewed him about his visit in Košice´s corporation. Co-operation of this church with socialistic regime was the reason why he returned to catholic church which heroically resisted to godless socialistic regime.

This age was good that he acquainted more with education and practice of Catholic church to which he was member from childhood. He helped press unallowable spiritual brochures and literature. He collated famous underground Bratislava´s letters, he regularly attended to spiritual life in charismatic movement of Catholic churches and after strong feeling to priestly profession he started prepare to theological study. Insufficient spiritual life in Catholic church was supplied mentioned regular meetings in small groups in flats.

After year 1989, after fall of socialistic regime, otherwise he was successfully received to theological study in Hungarian town Nyiregyháza but in this time he was strongly caught by love to God´s scripture that he did not get on study. The reason why he left Catholic church was that it did not sufficiently negotiate with communistic history and it allowed to move previous communistic nomenclature's cadre in first lines without that they clearly separated of their sinful history. People who heroically resisted socialistic machinery, were shunted and they allowed people who had a knack for building a new “religious” career. The main reason stays that Catholic church deflected of only source of knowledge – The Bible and it gives to one level with tradition which is in conflict with teaching of The Bible. He quietly left its corridor without revolt, with these people who felt things similar as he. He always respect this people who are sincerely finding God.

Instead of theological study, he got on street with guitar in hand and he started lonely and publicly preach gospel, after this that small group was broken by forced manipulation of 2 sisters and one person from Apostolic church. Result of this public street actions was that there was created group of people who loved God´s scripture and gospel. This group regularly started have meetings on different places in Košice.

There were regular evangelization on the street or rented spaces in Košice but in whole Slovakia also and there have been addressed to much thousands people from this age to present. People were called to Jesus, healed by prays and extricated from a lot of boundings and a lot of their problems were solved. No church has been so much activities in Slovakia as Oasis of Faith under leading of M.Gőcze. Now he regularly serves in church services of CMC Oasis of Faith which are characteristic with great joy, freedom in Spirit and a lot of wonders.

He is chief redaktor of Pan Slovakia magazine Voice of Faith, author of a lot of brochures, tractates. He is composer and text writer of much songs and compositions which celebrate God. This compositions and his preaching are published on audio, video, CD and DVD medium.

Tomáš Krajňák
senior of church and the member of presidium CMC Oasis of Faith

© Christian Mission Centre Oasis of Faith 2010

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