The good message for YOU

Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15.13

Nobody loves me...
Maybe, you think this at the moment. Nobody has time for you, Nobody shows an interest for you, everyone spits upon you, a friend has betrayed you, your girlfriend has left you, you maybe thinks to the worst. Nothing goes well, and this one, about who you have thought that he always stands near you in the worst, has left you when you mostly have needed him. You feel solitude and loneliness. You have done all to that people around you received you but it has not been sucessfull. A emptiness in your heart always presses you to ground and you can not help yourself and what is worse that nobody does not want or can not help you...

The truth is another...
Now, when you are dipped in these ideas, Somebody closely stands near you, but you can not hear him up to now. Somebody about who you are maybe heared, but it does not speak to you up to now. You have thought that his story is only a fairy tale or maybe historical fact which tragically ended and although He was good but now he is dead and He can not help you. As I have mentioned, my friend, the truth is absolutelly another! He – this one about who I speak – Jesus lives and he wants live with you from now for ever! And it is possible!

...God fabulously and endlessly loves you...
And he is not anybody – He is God!!! Love of people has the end. A man disappoints, leaves, betrays you but God endlessly loves you and right now he offers his love and eternaly friendship to you. That entity which created this beautiful space, whole world, you, me, your parents and each beauty around us, it fabulously loves you and it is able to do all therefore you will not be sad, left, alone and you will not lose...Simply, therefore you will be happy. He desires to close you in your heart and to endlessly love you for ever.

...But I do not see him...
Do not worry, it is not possible to see God by human sight. God is spiritual entity. There are much things which you do not see by your human sight and they exist too. Air which you breathe, you do not see and nevertheless you breathe it – you do not see atoms, these bitty little things from which is builded each substance, nevertheless they exist. Scientist who are intersted in seriously scientific research of nature, they never use this argument as prove counter existence of God, on the contrary, srerious scientists like Einstein, Pascal and a lot of others drew conclusion by long-time scientific work that God exist but it is not possible to see him by human sight. It was best expressed by man named John, the scribe of gospel, he met Jesus, He was going with him on the earth for some time, He was his disciple and he know very well as God loves a man:´´No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.´´(John 1.18)

The only obstacle
I have the best message for you. Jesus, the son of God, lives. He is near you right now, he loves you and he wants to change your life to beautiful adventure. But only thing obstructs that new life can start. Jesus had to die by very ignominious death at the cross. He had to arrive on the earth from his heavenly homeland before 2000 years right for that he suffered and dead and he put his life. He did not die by accident, it was not tragical mistake, but he dead for he liquidates your finiteness and this from your life, that stands between God and you, this, for why holy God can not help you, make you happy and after death take you to him to heavenly homeland from where Jesus came too. Sin is this obstacle and Jesus came remove right this obstacle and he proved this!!! Therefore had to suffer so much and your friend Jesus gave his life for the eternal friendship could begin between you and Him. It will be only obstacle if you deny his love today and it will be the biggest sin.

The new life for you
But you can decide and it will bring huge change in your life, victory, friendship of someone who has won under death too, and for that Jesus wants to live with you, eternaly lives in heavenly homeland and loves you for your earthly stay too, to time when it will end. Jesus loves you, he has always love you, he understands you and he saw you in this time too, when nobody saw you, he wanted to help you but he could not and he is not able as long as you do not invite him to your life. He loved you so much that he put his life for you to save you, it was not made by anyone. Do not deny his love, He lives and right now He offer his friendship and new life to you. Allow him to take care of your life, change it for joy and abundance, allow him to save you and give you a lot of good things like eternal life, healing, prosperity and abundance of all good. Invite him by this prayer.

live word
of God your new friend

Jesus, I thank you that you dead for me, that you gave your life to I will be able eternaly live and stay your friend. I invite you to my life and I consign my sin to you. Be your my Lord and Saviour, my friend. Forgive my sins, I receive Your love. I thank You for whole eternal life and for this, that you are always with me everywhere from now. Amen.

I wish you a lot of blessedness in beautiful new life.

© Christian Mission Centre Oasis of Faith 2006

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